Friday, December 21, 2012

Gun Battles

So what could actually help prevent another Newtown without gutting the Second Amendment?

Where was the breakdown?

Without getting too deep into the craziness I believe there are some changes that can be made while still protecting the rights of law abiding citizens.

  1. Better mental health services. Ever since the 80s when Reagan emptied the asylums there has been less and less help available to those that need it. When the right talks about cutting spending this is one of the things they have in mind.
  2. I know it sounds like a cliche but let's enforce the laws we already have, and strengthen them where needed.
    1. 2 Strikes for gun crimes. With the 2nd offense the criminal gets a life sentence.
    2. Same for murder, 1st offense minimum of 25 years, 2nd offense life.
    3. Anyone convicted of buying, selling, transporting...guns illegally is banned from legal gun ownership for life. If convicted a 2nd time they get life in prison.
    4. All transfers require a background check. No criminal, or sufferer of relevant mental health issues will be allowed to posses a gun.
These changes would stop most of the mass shootings, of course they would not stop all tragedies but really nothing can. Even if we somehow got rid of all the guns there would still be other ways to kill people.

So lets get guns out of the hands of criminals and the mentally unstable and see how much things improve. 

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