Monday, January 13, 2014

No Kool Aid for me, thank you.

If we all continue to only read/watch/listen to the people we agree with, and sure it makes us feel good about ourselves, and smart, and right, and lets us feel angry, and righteously indignant at the people we disagree with, we will never come up with good solutions to the many problems we face. Case in point; U.S.A. right now.

When we just keep talking to people in our camp, we go around and around in our love fest, but as we reinforce our ideas they just get further and further out there. One person says something slightly crazy an the next person exaggerates it. The next ten people exaggerate the exaggerations and it becomes a ridiculous, farcical, lie with no relation to reality.

The whole process is ass backwards. We start with a pundits opinion of what a spokesperson said a politician meant when he responded to an attack from the opposition pundit about what the politician should have done to appease the opposition in order to get their support for a bill written by corporations to screw government and the people. GIGO. Or BSIBSO.

So what "should" we do? We should identify a problem. Then discuss different possible solutions. Score them on efficiency and cost using real world data, i.e. science, and then cobble together a solution the maximizes efficiency, minimizes cost and actually achieves the actual goals it is meant to achieve. Full stop.

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