Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Things that will actually help the U.S.

Name calling and chest thumping won't help America. What we need are ideas that will actually get us out of this mess. I will list a few that you can send to your Representatives and see if they will actually represent you.

  1. Pass a law that will overrule Citizens United. If the Supreme Court can't see that money is not speech and allowing unlimited campaign donations is just a way of buying politicians then they should go back to law school.
    1. In fact I would take it a step further. No donations from any person, business, organization...(let's just say "entity") of more than $250 to a single candidate, issue, or party per election cycle.
      1. This would especially apply to lobbyists.
    2. I have heard another suggestion from a wise person. Allow unlimited donations but the candidates CANNOT know who made the donations.
  2. Reinstate Glass-Steagall. 
    1. Enforce all regulations on banks and other industries.
    2. Enforce Antitrust laws on all industries. This would eliminate the possibility of "too big to fail."
    3. Find and prosecute the bankers who committed crimes and still are committing crimes. Put them in jail. This would also apply to the ratings agencies, and any regulators who were asleep at the wheel.
    4. Don't appoint former Wall Street jackals to offices like Treasury Secretary. Talk about the fox watching the henhouse. Apply the same logic to every industry.
  3. Put the top economist form the 20 top conservative and liberal think tanks in a room and see if they can figure out a way to make the economy go.
  4. Enforce existing gun laws.
    1. 2 strikes (max) = life without parole; for gun crimes, murder, rape, child molesting...
    2. Straw buyers get 20 years first time, life the 2nd.
    3. Universal background checks.
    4. Programs like BAM ( ) for all at risk youth.
So write your representative if you agree, and write them if you don't, just keep them honest.

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