Sunday, March 3, 2013


SDG&E your audacity is amazing. You started the fire! You started it and you were warned that the way you were doing things could start a fire. Now you want your customers to pay for your mistake. That is ridiculous. 

You say the price for insurance was too high. Well perhaps if you showed the insurance companies a better safety record or better practices it wouldn't have been so high. But high price is no excuse. Either pay it or self insure. What happens when a driver or homeowner has no insurance? They pay the consequences.

So who is responsible for the fire and the associated costs? Your management and executives. They made the decisions that created the problem. Why should the ratepayers pay for your mistakes? Our only mistake was buying electricity from your monopoly. 

So who should pay. If I were a stockholder I would want the managers and executives responsible to pay until their money ran out. When it does it really falls to the stockholders. We can't continue with this corporate welfare. If you want the profits when you make the right decisions then you need to be prepared to pay for the losses when you make bad decisions.

You can't have all reward and no risk. That isn't Capitalism, that's a system rigged to reward the rich by taking from the poor.

So pay up and quit asking for a handout.

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