Wednesday, March 6, 2013

My heart goes out to Newtown

Newtown is a tragedy, it is impossible to imagine what it feels like to the people who lost loved ones. What the nation should be doing is trying to console them as well as we can. Many people feel the need to take action, that is a worthy sentiment, I recommend doing something that will actually make them feel better. Of course everyone handles grief and adversity differently so we need to ask them what would make them feel better, not just assume they respond like we do. 

Let's not turn this into a political fight that only distracts from the tragedy. I know many people are so worked up they think they need to do something immediately. Rather than doing the first thing we think of let's think a while and do the right thing.

For now I will take my own advice and stay quiet about what I think should be done, and instead focus on doing something positive for the families of the victims.

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